Homicide on Clover Road in Emerald Lakes

January 21, 2025

The party flyer

The house where the incident occurred

From Mike Mancuso, District Attorney:

On Sunday, January 12, I left home during the Eagles Packers playoff game heading to a murder scene to help the Pocono Mountain Regional Police. Prior to arrival I contacted Detective Mario Orlando from my office and had him coordinate with Pocono Mountain and head to St. Luke’s Medical Center because two male gunshot victims had arrived there along with three young females. All were Venezuelan nationals speaking little to no English. Detective Orlando speaks Spanish and would prove to be very helpful to the investigation. I also reached out to our Investigative Assistant Maria Rosa who is fluent in Spanish and could help with communication and interaction with the females. Maria was glad to help.

The scene was at 1329 Clover Road deep in the heart of the Emerald Lakes Subdivision. The residence was marketed as a short term rental. During my walkthrough with Detective Ryan Venneman the deceased victim appeared shot multiple times. He would later be identified as Lionardo Hernandez Zarata 22, also of Venezuela. Apparently, he booked the house for a weekend party to celebrate his birthday. The flyer advertising the event and bearing his picture is attached.

In addition to the victim’s multiple gunshot wounds, the scene was full of spent shell casings and bullet holes. Indeed, it was readily apparent that several different calibers of ammunition were used.
There was evidence throughout of the flight of numerous persons. Suitcases were left in the driveway, cell phones, cash, Venezuelan identification cards, all left behind. Significant amounts of various drugs and paraphernalia were also among the items I saw.

The scene was very reminiscent of another from May of last year in Pocono Farms East where a short term rental was being used by Venezuelan nationals to host a several day long party. During that event there was a shooting among the attendees causing panic and flight.

After I left the Clover Road Scene I spent hours at PMR Headquarters not leaving until the early morning hours. There was much to do. The circumstances were discussed, information obtained, potential evidence reviewed and criminal charges were drawn up and approved for filing. These included two arrests for men who fled the party only to burglarize a nearby home. They were located inside the home by Detective Joseph Apgar of PMRP with the aid of Troopers from PSP. The three women from the hospital were also arrested on narcotics charges. Additionally, multiple search warrants were written, reviewed, approved, and issued.

It didn’t take long for a clear link to a Venezuelan street gang to be established. The gang known as Trena de Aragua (Train to Aragua) or TdA. During interviews, many conducted by PMR Detective Erica Burke, who is fluent in Spanish, many of the partygoers expressed a deep seated fear of retaliation by the gang.

Tren de Aragua is a transnational criminal organization that began as a prison gang in the Tocorón Prison in the state of Aragua in Venezuela. Over the past six years, Tren de Aragua leader Niño Guerrero has expanded the group’s criminal network throughout South America and recently extended north into Central America and the United States. This organization’s presence has been documented recently in the media for their violent crimes throughout the United States. One such notable incident was the apparent “takeover” of an apartment complex in Aurora, Colorado. To date, Monroe County, Pennsylvania has had several contacts with this gang.

Detectives Kyle Vannote and Donald Scarfo also worked hard on the investigation. The efforts included a detailed processing of the crime scene, collecting items of potential evidence from those in custody, obtaining possible video footage, and other tasks.
I continue to work closely with Chief Chris Wagner and Lieutenant Lucas Bray everyday as the investigation proceeds. Through hard work and luck the identity of those involved in the shooting is moving forward nicely. The investigation includes a great deal of cooperation and coordination with state and federal law enforcement agencies. The investigation is ongoing.

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