As your District Attorney, I’m always concerned about the negative impact of bad checks passed to local businesses. Millions of dollars are lost every year by merchants as a result of this ongoing problem. Bad Checks affect everyone in terms of higher consumer costs that must be passed on to offset losses, and increased taxes to cover the additional costs for law enforcement and prosecution.

In an effort to combat this problem, I have organized the Bad Check Restitution Program to assist local merchants with bad check losses. The primary goal of the program is to obtain full restitution for the victim without adding to the financial burden of the criminal justice system.

First time bad check offenders are given the opportunity to avoid criminal prosecution by attending a mandatory intervention class, in addition to paying restitution. All of this is accomplished without any cost to the taxpayers.

Your interest and participation in this special program will benefit all law-abiding citizens and help your business improve its bottom line.


Mike Mancuso
Monroe County District Attorney

The Program, Step-by-Step
    1. Make personal contact with the check writer. If you are unsuccessful, send a courtesy notice via U.S. Certified Mail including a return receipt. The check writer has 10 days to respond and remit payment.

    2. If the check writer fails to respond and remit payment, fill out the below Bad Check Crime Report, attach originals or legal copies of the check(s) and notification documents, such as return receipts and bank notices, and the 10-day courtesy notice.

          Bad check Crime Report form

    3. Submit the report and supporting documents to the Bad Check Program at or via U.S. mail to:

Monroe County District Attorney
Criminal Investigations Division
Bad Check Program
701 Main Street, First Floor
Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania 118360

Why it Works
  • Bad check reports are easy to file and follow up action is prompt.

  • Upon recovery, 100% of the face value of the check is returned to the victim.

  • There is no minimum dollar restriction on a bad check.

  • The program operates at no cost to the county or taxpayers.
A check is ELIGIBLE if:
  • The amount is not more than $5,000 (or multiple checks don’t exceed this limit).  There are no minimum dollar restrictions.

  • The check was received in Monroe County, deposited in a bank in exchange for goods or services, and was presumed “good” at the time of acceptance.

  • A “Courtesy Notice” was sent to the check writer via U.S. Certified Mail including return receipt , allowing 10 days to make the check good.

  • A photo I.D. (driver’s license or state identification card) was recorded at the time of the transaction.
A check is INELIGIBLE if:
  • It is post-dated.

  • Both parties knew there were insufficient funds at the time of the transactions.

  • It is a two-party, stop payment, or payroll check.

  • The identity of the check writer is unknown.

  • There is no amount, date, or signature on the check.

  • The numeric and written amounts on the check do not match.

  • The check has not been processed by a bank.
Contact the Bad Check Restitution Program
By U.S. mail
Monroe County Office of the District Attorney
Criminal Investigations Division
Bad Check Program
701 Main Street, First Floor
Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania 18360
By telephone
(570) 517-3826