The Criminal Investigations Division of the Monroe County Office of the District Attorney, often referred to as our “Detective Unit”, consists of seven full time detectives, including the Chief County Detective, and several part time detectives.
County Detectives are sworn police officers and are empowered to enforce the laws of the Commonwealth throughout Monroe County.
Each detective is assigned a specific type of crime to investigate, however, they are often called upon to investigate criminal activity outside of their particular specialty. County Detectives initiate their own criminal investigations and make their own arrests similar to any other police department.
In 2017, the Detective Unit of the Office of the District Attorney conducted 307 criminal investigations and made 189 arrests – the majority of which were serious felony offenses ranging from the sale of illicit drugs to high value fraud cases to violent sexual predators and human trafficking offenses.
In addition, County Detectives assist local police departments and the State Police on a regular basis, lend prosecutorial support to the Assistant District Attorneys as needed, and operates the county’s digital forensics program.
The Detective Unit coordinates and supervises the Monroe County Drug Task Force, the Monroe County Gang Task Force, and the Monroe County DUI Task Force. County Detectives are all active participants in each Task Force.
In addition to each Detective’s specialty, County Detectives are also tasked with the investigation of any crime committed on county property, including the Monroe County Courthouse and the Monroe County Correctional Facility.